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Mekrinn Asgerson with his Primal Krahviik "Wahliik nol Asgerson"

The Krahviik Zahnd, as they call it in their language has been founded about 100 years ago in the beautiful area of Akaraho (eng. Acaraho by SLS). The person how gets connected with this significant breed is Mekrinn Asgerson. He was the first person who breed the primal version of the modern shorthair Krahviik.

As said, the primal version of the Krahviik was shorthaired. The name "Krahviik" is a Dovahzul word (eng. Dragontongue). It is the cobination of the two words, "kaviir" which means "rabbit" and "grohiik" which means "wolf". The name was later introduced to the breed.

It was a crossbreed between the Kelb tal-fenek (Pharao Hound) and the Podenco Ibicenco (Ibizan Hound). Both breeds are strong-willed but have great abilities to preform presistence hunting. The primal Krahviik was described as willful, intelligent, independent, active but also playful.

The people though, were not happy with this disobey behaviour and they started to interbreed the borzoi to the Krahviik. It should make the dogs, faster and also easier to obey. The Krahviiks became more gentle.

After Asgerson died and they had the idea to improve them further, their sens of smell to be exact. And so they crossbreed them with Ethiopian Wolves.

They succeeded but the breed became stubborn again and the new breeders ignored it.

The Krahviik Dog became more and more popular and the rich also had a covetous eye on them due their exotic look. The higher degree wanted to make them "more beautiful", as they called it and they interbreed the South American Maned Wolf into the Krahviik. From then on they actually called them 

"Krahviik Zahnd". Their fur grew very long but the Maned Wolfes are very shy and in the selection for the long fur, ears, legs and tail, they didn't pay attention to their character and also not to their hunting instinct. The breed became useless and the breeding program got ceased.

A few admires of the primal Krahviik and also for the longhaired ones, consolidated, to make the breed and their pedigree clean again. A strict selection happened, so that the animals were no longer shy or stubborn. There hunting instinct came back and they were made to be loyal with their masters.

Of course, the aristocrats wanted their longhaired Krahviiks. Together with the breeders the conformation type of the Krahviik dog was born and can be seen today in the ring of many dog shows.

The wild coloration of the wolf form was noticed in some litters and the Krahviik breeders tried everything to select it out of the breed.

But, as always, there were a few admires for wolf coloured Krahviiks and they started breeding them with the same terms, that the animals were not shy.

The people started to accept the wolf like Krahviiks and the colour got approved.

After a short period, more and more puppies were born with a white back, which no one could explain. This color however went not through selection, since some people called it the colour/pattern of innocence, due the the fact that the Krahviiks nearly extinced because of human failure.

This colour we call "kaviir" today, which means "Rabbit" which should repressend the innocence.

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