Axanthic is one of the few genetics, that can be used to determin the color of the Volbur.
This one in particular gets rid of all the red colors on their fur. (color wise like in dogs with the E locus)
Which leaves us with only black, grey, red/brown and white colors to work with.
Their eyes however are not effected by this change. They can be what ever mutation they display.
NOTE: This gene is a NON DOMINANT one. Which means it only is present visibly if both locis on the allele are small "aa".
Axanthic is labled as "AxC".
no change
AxC axC
no change
axC axC
Axanthic with Omitt
Axanthic gets rid of yellow, omitt turns the black back white or it disappears.
Nnf axC axC
Axanthic with white spots
(if natural state)
nfnf axC axC
Axanthic with white back
nn axC axC
Axanthic with no back
nnf axC axC
Axanthic with white back and spots
(if natural state)
Axanthic with Albino
Two opposites. Axanthic gets rid of yellow and Albino of all black pigmentation. An even more washed out Albino. The little bit color that can still be seen has lavender/ lilac tone to it.
Eyes are red, Nose pink.
cc axC axC
Albino + Axanthic
Axanthic with Hypo
Two opposites again. Hypo also gets rid of black pigments but their noses, eyes are not effected.
Eyes have any color, nose is black
hphp axC axC
Hypo + Axanthic
Axanthic with Anery
They are basically black and white.
axC axC aa
Anery x Axanthic
Axanthic with Edgy
Edging adds more white and/ or fading to the color. Due to axanthic the mask also changes color.
EE axC axC
Ee axC axC
Axanthic + white sides
ee axC axC
Axanthic + white sides + fading